Carnets de croquis et réalisations
François delaroziere
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Disponible sous 3/4 jours
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
"François delaroziere, diplômé de l'école des beaux-arts de marseille, est le directeur artistique de la compagnie la machine, dont les ateliers sont installés à nantes et à tournefeuille. depuis toujours, il explore l'univers de l'objet en mouvement et sa théâtralité, redessine les manèges et participe au développement de projets urbains. constructeur de décors et d'inventions pour le théâtre de rue, il conçoit et dirige la fabrication, depuis plus de quinze ans, de grandes machines de spectacle. parmi les plus emblématiques des pièces maîtresses de ces scénographies urbaines : le géant, le rhinocéros, le petit géant, les girafes, la petite géante, le grand eléphant, l'araignée géante... il réalise de fascinants carrousels qui voyagent de ville en ville et font tourner les têtes, comme le manège magique, le beau manège à toulouse, le manège d'andréa, le manège carré sénart et bientôt celui des mondes marins. il a aussi été scénographe associé en 2000 pour la réhabilitation du channel, scène nationale de calais. coauteur avec pierre orefice du projet des machines de l'ile à nantes, il a initié en 2003 l'exposition "le grand répertoire des machines de spectacle" et développe avec sa compagnie la création de spectacles dans les grandes villes du monde.
françois delaroziere, a graduate of marseille's fine arts school, is the artistic director of compagnie la machine, whith his workshops situated in nantes and tournefeuille. from the onset, his work has been concerned with exploring the world of objects in movement and their theatricality, in addition to designing the different carousels and participating in the development of urban projects. as a set builder and maker of invented objects for street theatre, he both conceives and oversees the construction of large-scale theatre machines, and has been doing so for over the last fifteen years. among the various showpieces of these urban theatre performances, the most emblematic are: the giant, the rhinoceros, the little he-giant, the giraffes, the little she-giant, the great elephant, and the giant spider... he is the figure behind wonderful carousels which turn heads from one town or city to the next, such as the the magic carousel, the beautiful carousel (in toulouse), andrea's carousel, the carré sénart square carousel and the forthcoming sea worlds carousel. in the year 2000, he was also associate designer for the renovation of le channel, calais' scène nationale theatre. he is the co-author, with pierre orefice, of the machines de l'ile project in nantes. he initiated the "grand repertoire of theatrical machines" exhibition in 2003, and develops, with his company, the creation of shows in cities around the world.
du même auteur chez actes sud : le grand répertoire des machines de spectacle, 2003. "
françois delaroziere, a graduate of marseille's fine arts school, is the artistic director of compagnie la machine, whith his workshops situated in nantes and tournefeuille. from the onset, his work has been concerned with exploring the world of objects in movement and their theatricality, in addition to designing the different carousels and participating in the development of urban projects. as a set builder and maker of invented objects for street theatre, he both conceives and oversees the construction of large-scale theatre machines, and has been doing so for over the last fifteen years. among the various showpieces of these urban theatre performances, the most emblematic are: the giant, the rhinoceros, the little he-giant, the giraffes, the little she-giant, the great elephant, and the giant spider... he is the figure behind wonderful carousels which turn heads from one town or city to the next, such as the the magic carousel, the beautiful carousel (in toulouse), andrea's carousel, the carré sénart square carousel and the forthcoming sea worlds carousel. in the year 2000, he was also associate designer for the renovation of le channel, calais' scène nationale theatre. he is the co-author, with pierre orefice, of the machines de l'ile project in nantes. he initiated the "grand repertoire of theatrical machines" exhibition in 2003, and develops, with his company, the creation of shows in cities around the world.
du même auteur chez actes sud : le grand répertoire des machines de spectacle, 2003. "
Informations détaillées
Arts du spectacle
Date de parution:  
13 mm x 264 mm x 214 mm
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