• The Madman - Khalil Gibran - CULTUREA
  • The Madman - Khalil Gibran - CULTUREA

The madman

Khalil gibran
Éditeur :  CULTUREA
EAN :  9791041805723
Date de parution :   20/05/2023
Disponible sous 3/4 jours


"Published in 1918, the madman: his parables and poems is the first collection of philosophical poetry and short stories by lebanese author khalil gibran. the madman is the first work by gibran that was originally published in english, as compared to his earlier works which were written originally in his native arabic. the madman deals with themes of love, loss, spirituality, and the nature of truth. "

Informations détaillées

Éditeur:  CULTUREA
EAN:  9791041805723
Date de parution:   20/05/2023
Format:   3 mm x 210 mm x 148 mm
Nombre de pages:   46

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