--- monograph on cézanne's work that provides an overview of his work and the evolution of his painting technique.
s'il est souvent associé au mouvement impressionniste, paul cézanne (1839-1906) s'en détache pourtant rapidement. ses recherches esthétiques sur les volumes, la perspective, les formes et les couleurs, à travers de nombreuses peintures mortes, mais aussi les paysages de sa provence natale, l'amènent progressivement vers l'abstraction et font de lui un précurseur de l'art moderne. découvrez l'évolution d'un peintre qui a su transposer en peinture sa vision unique du monde.
languages : fr. en.
although he is often associated with the impressionist movement, paul cézanne (1839-1906) quickly broke away from it. his aesthetic research on volumes, perspective, shapes and colors, through numerous still life paintings, but also the landscapes of his native provence, gradually lead him to abstraction and make him a precursor of modern art. discover the evolution of a painter who knew how to transpose in painting his unique vision of the world.
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