• Le portrait de Dorian Gray -  WILDE OSCAR, Oscar WILDE - CULTUREA

Le portrait de dorian gray

Éditeur :  CULTUREA
EAN :  9791041822553
Date de parution :   23/10/2023
Disponible sous 3/4 jours


""le portrait de dorian gray" (in english, "the picture of dorian gray") is a novel by the irish author oscar wilde. first published in 1890, it is one of wilde's most famous works and is considered a classic of english literature. the novel tells the story of dorian gray, a young and attractive man living in london. dorian's portrait is painted by the talented artist basil hallward, and dorian makes a wish that he could remain forever young while the portrait ages instead. this leads to a faustian bargain, where dorian's life of hedonism, excess, and moral decay is hidden from view, while his portrait reflects the physical and moral deterioration caused by his actions. "le portrait de dorian gray" is known for its exploration of themes such as the corrupting influence of society, the consequences of living a life without moral responsibility, and the duality of appearance and reality. oscar wilde's wit and clever dialogues are also prominent features of the novel. "

Informations détaillées

Éditeur:  CULTUREA
EAN:  9791041822553
Date de parution:   23/10/2023

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