amedeo modigliani (1884-1920) est un artiste italien appartenant à la bohème parisienne du début du xxe siècle. ses sculptures, comme ses peintures, aux expressions archaïques et aux visages étirés, ainsi que ses nus érotiques, ont su se démarquer pour leur modernité et leur intemporalité, élevant leur auteur, malgré sa brève carrière, au rang d'artiste incontournable. cet ouvrage vous permettra de d'admirer ses plus célèbres peintures et sculptures.
languages : fr. en.
amedeo modigliani (1884-1920) was an italian artist who belonged to the parisian bohemia of the early 20th century. his sculptures, like his paintings, with their archaic expressions and stretched faces, as well as his erotic nudes, have stood out for their modernity and timelessness, elevating their author, despite his brief career, to the rank of an essential artist. this book will allow you to admire his most famous paintings and sculptures.
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