Robert du francais contemporain illustre (fr-fr)

Éditeur :  FLTRP
EAN :  9787513519281
Date de parution :   01/05/2012
Disponible sous 3/4 jours


"This book is an original dictionary introduced from france robert publishing house, with 58,000 words, 150,000 senses and hundreds of pictures. the dictionary covers fresh words, and provides reference for a large number of relevant words. the french interpretation is simple and easy to understand, and the examples highlight the structure of word collocation and usage. pictures mainly relate to human, flora and fauna, astronomy and geography, chemistry and biology, music and art, etc, which helps readers to check and learn relevant encyclopaedic information. appendix includes the list of major place names in the world and the names of residents, as well as verb anagram table, both convenient and practical. the dictionary is suitable for learners of french above intermediate and advanced level and french teachers to check and learn. "

Informations détaillées

Éditeur:  FLTRP
EAN:  9787513519281
Date de parution:   01/05/2012
Format:   73 mm x 235 mm x 155 mm
Nombre de pages:   2199

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